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Why attend?

You can’t beat the magic of attending a transformational, live event, especially an energy-based conference such as the Cosmic Consciousness Conference.  Here are some great reasons why it is so satisfying to come along to a Conference in person, as opposed to an online event.


1. Meet Experts Face to Face


Take the opportunity to meet with our speakers, whether it’s taking a selfie with someone who’s inspired you, making a connection that can lead to finding your next mentor or simply asking for some feedback about your own ideas.


2. Connecting with Like-minded Souls


No matter how easy it is to ‘connect’ over social media, there is nothing like meeting someone in real life!  Take the opportunities to mix and mingle, form new relationships, and strengthen existing ones. Over coffee, lunch, or drinks, you may make a connection with the perfect kindred spirit.  At a break you may find yourself having a conversation with someone who turns out to be a great collaborator.  Our past conferences have seen all types of collaborative projects sparked by strangers who never would have got things off the ground if they hadn’t met at our Conference.  There is no value to be placed on the memories, the energy and the buzz of this type of event.  With delegates attending from all over the country and indeed the world, and having the opportunity to see international speakers up close and personal all at the one event, it is actually a very unique opportunity. 






















3. New Tools


Our speakers have decades of experience and knowledge between them.  You will learn many new tools and resources in their talks and workshops.  At our exhibitors’ tables, you may find practitioners, courses, products and groups that you don’t know about or whom are offering special discounts, freebies or opportunities that wouldn’t be available to non-delegates.


4. Greater Focus


It can be easy to get caught on YouTube watching interesting videos and learn amazing things, all in the comfort of your trackie daks! Often though, you are also doing work, surfing the net or attending to family matters.  Being present a live event you are 100% focused and committed, you are more effervescent and excited to interact with the speakers, your peers and fellow soul mates.


5. Synchronicity at Play


Some of the best experiences in life can be at times when you had no idea about what to expect.  This is certainly the case when attending a seminar or workshop on a whim and discover it turns out to be perfect synchronicity – the message you needed to hear, the person you needed to meet sitting next to you, the speaker that said one sentence that changed your life.  These are often the moments that needed to be discovered through the serendipity of a live event.


6. Invest in Yourself


When you purchase that conference ticket you are investing in your own growth.  It’s admitting that you’re worth it. It’s admitting that you still have things to learn. That you can get better.  Taking the time to do something for yourself is often not something you do – family, friends and work are usually put ahead of your own interests.  Take the time to do something that makes your soul happy.  This is not just an information exchange – it is transformation on many levels.  Prepare to experience deep personal healing, as we raise consciousness for humanity.


7. Bathing in incredible energy


It’s easy to get stuck in a rut - doing the same routine can stifle fresh thinking and new ideas. Breaking out of the norm, sitting in a new space, can spark new approaches and get you thinking outside of the box, even if you think you know it all, have heard it all before, it’s amazing how when you hear a message from a different person, in a different way, can be a great reminder, and set you on a new course of action.   Get a sense of how it feels to be in a group of high-vibrational truth seekers at the Earth’s solar plexus chakra – to experience that type of group energy is a dynamic you can’t replicate unless you are there and a part of it.






















8. Sharpen the Saw


Stephen Covey lists ‘sharpening the saw’ as his seventh habit of highly effective people.  The idea is that sometimes you have to take a break from the ‘work’ of your work to sharpen your skills. A dull axe won’t cut a tree nearly as effectively as a sharp one.  You will always return from a conference with new ideas and approaches that can applied to the way you live, work and relate to the world.


9. Break Out of Your Comfort Zone


Live events force you to break out of your comfort zone.  It’s easy to read a blog post from the privacy of your own home or office. You don’t have to make small talk while your YouTube video loads up.  Apart from a few natural networkers, going to a Conference or workshop for most people can be a challenge. But, as you know, the magic happens OUTSIDE the comfort zone!  If the thought of coming on your own is truly terrifying, let us know and we can line you up with a buddy to hold your hand.






















10. Have Fun!


Our Conferences are fun! Live events with other people are fun! It can be difficult having conversations out in the ‘real world’ with people, but at a conference, a simple ‘How did you like that seminar?’ can open up to some amazing connections and even more amazing friendships. We have great giveaways, lucky door prizes, meditations, music and all manner of add-ons that you simply need to come along to experience.



11. Holiday at the same time!


Held in a beautiful resort, at one of the planet’s most iconic sites – why wouldn’t you want to combine a destination like this with a conference.  A great excuse to tick it off your bucket list!  There are so many other activities and reasons to visit Uluru so build in some extra days either side of the conference to get the full outback experience.

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