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Mick Turner

Conference Co-organiser


After a near-death experience in a drowning accident, Mick has been driven to find answers to the questions he had after being brought back to life.  With the awakening he had that our consciousness exists outside the physical, Mick embarked on a journey to discover more.  After having experienced angelic beings and the type of peace and love that people enjoy in an expanded soul state, Mick has undergone further structured hypnotic regressions and continued his research into the field of consciousness.


This has led him to create 4 Afterlife Explorers Conferences in Australia bringing together experts presenting on matters relating to Life after Death.  As an extension of this journey, Mick has created the Close Encounters Conference – Australia’s only truly National conference providing a platform for both international and Australian experts to share their experience on the topic of the multidimensional beings we share the universe with.


Mick now runs 4 national consciousness conferences in Australia each year.





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